“Those Who Put Their Hands to the Plough, Never Looking Back: Part Seven (continued), William P. McKenzie, C.S.B.”
Fall/Winter 2001-2002 issue
In the latter part of the nineteenth century and early twentieth, as Christian Science was becoming more widely known, a number of notable men and women – doctors, lawyers, judges, clergymen, professors – gave up their professions to serve the Christian Science movement as practitioners, teachers, preachers, and lecturers. This series focuses on some of these individuals, including several distinguished Protestant ministers, who sacrificed professional prestige to devote their whole hearts to the Cause they loved, leaving for future generations a record of strong, selfless service. It is hoped that their examples will illustrate the qualities of thought valued by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy. These qualities of thought spurred the rapid growth of the early Christian Science Church.
This issue is the second of a two-part article detailing the life and career of a former Presbyterian minister, William P. McKenzie, whose faithful and exemplary work for the Church of Christ, Scientist, spanned five decades.
$5.00 – $6.00